Over the years I have supported my local library with displays of models. My latest exhibition shows the 40mm AWI/ACW models, from start to finish - from left to right; Illustrations and the in-progress kitchen and granary model from the Dudley Digges house, two resin cast buildings (the Guilford log cabin and Workshop) and two painted and finished casting. The open magazine article shows the Grand Manner advert from last months Wargames Illustrated.

It is a bit too soon to judge the reaction as the display has only been in place for a couple of days, but I feel that support (no matter how small) is much appreciated by the library staff and visitors. Some time ago I did a similar display of narrow gauge railway models, inspired by an article in Narrow Lines - the in-house magazine of the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association and the reaction was fantastic. For anyone thinking of doing the same, just contact your local library of museum.
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