Wednesday 29 September 2010

Aethergraph issue two now available

Issue two of The The Aethergraph is now available for download, the 16 page on-line magazine concentrates on Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) and this particular issue is full of flying creatures and monsters for use with Aeronef, Space 1889 and Gaslight. I have a short article entitled Aerofauna for Space 1889/Aeronef which details how I used cheap toy rays as flying creatures for use with my 1/300th scale Aeronefs.

These two images show the finished and mounted Martian Rays - full details are on page 5 and 6 of The Aethergraph, Volume 1, issue 2.

This is the second issue of The Aethergraph which is edited by J. Womack - further details ca be found on the Blog Victorias Boys in Red (VBIR) and is well worth checking out, good luck with the project, I look forward to seeing lots more.


Tuesday 28 September 2010

Notables Painting Competition - Flintloque - an update

The Alternative Armies Yahoo site The Notables have been running a painting competition which will finish on the 30th September, the rules state that the entry MUST include these miniatures (The Fencibles Militia 54031) and a regimental background or back-story.

For anyone not familiar with what I am referring to check out this Yahoo Group post by Roger Willcox, The Robbyng Hoodies The back story of this Flintloque Fencibles Regiment is possibly one of the very best regimental histories I have read.

My own entry is nearing completion, however the rules state that entries must be incognito and so I am restricted in how much I can show or say. I am sure that there are regular readers who are also entering and I wish you the very best of luck. I for one, cannot wait to see (and read) the entries.

I have tried to keep the interest going by regularly posting on The Notables (as happened on earlier Yours in a White Wine Sauce competitions) but there has been very little in the way of feedback or comment. I would hope that this is because readers are busy painting and writing their own entries!

I enjoy this type of on-line competition, it forces me to paint and in this case write. I will keep regular Blog followers updated and promise to include some work-in-progress shots of my entries once the competition has finished. Once again good luck to all who take part.


Sunday 26 September 2010

Advance notice - modelling shows

There are two modelling shows, not Wargame shows that I am planning on visiting later this year. The first is the IPMS Scale Modelworld at The International Centre, Telford and the second is The Warley National Model Railway Exhibition at the NEC, Birmingham.

I have in the past visited both and can recommend them as great days out, the IPMS as one of the all time best models shows in the UK (and maybe even the world - yes it is that good) and secondly the Warley Show as one of the largest model railway shows in the UK.

Full details;
IPMS Scale Modelworld
13th and 14th November 2010 at The International Centre, Telford. I recommend visiting on the Sunday as there are sometimes areas that are closed off to non-IPMS members on the Saturday, see; link

The Warley Model Railway Show
20th and 21st November 2010 at the NEC, Birmingham. This is a BIG show and anyone thinking of going should plan to spend the day and bring lots of money, see; link

If I had to choose one, it would be the IPMS show, but it's a close call! I would hope to see you at one or the other!


Friday 24 September 2010

Foundry re-release 40mm ACW miniatures

Wargames Foundry have re-release their range of 40mm American Civil War Miniatures, see link

This information was included on The Miniatures Page and has received some criticism due to the price. I have a number of these miniatures (from the original or initial release) and find them superb sculpts and ideal for dioramas. These images have already been posted on this Blog, but in this instance, I would hope that I could be excused! The originals have been selling for much higher prices on e-bay and I would hope that we will now be in a position to see a whole game, hundreds of miniatures and beautiful terrain at a wargame show in the very near future

My first experiences at wargaming were with plastic Airfix ACW troops stuck to beermat bases and moving across dyed sheets with chalk roads and green felt woods as Swansea University. Although I doubt if I could recreate this image in 40mm, I am a born optimist and would hope that one day I will be able to see massed regiment s of 40mm ACW troop's on the gaming table!

Good luck with the launch.


Tuesday 21 September 2010

The Severn's Building Nottingham

These images are of The Severn's Building, a half timbered house near Nottingham Castle. This morning I decided on the spur of the moment to have a day out, I drove up to Nottingham with the intention of having a day at Warhammer World but as it turned out I had a change of plan and visited Wargames Foundry and Nottingham city centre instead.

I was disappointed with the visit to Wargames Foundry and now wish I had stuck with my initial plan of a day out at Warhammer World! The Foundry is situated just outside of the city centre and with all the windows covered with grating and the door locked, my first thought was that they were closed on a Monday! After ringing the door bell I was admitted, but felt that I was intruding and so didn't spent that long looking around. For anyone who has not visited this store/warehouse I would recommend thinking twice before spending a great deal of time travelling there, however if you are going for a specific reason or one of the open days, then this might be different from my experience. I came away not buying anything - as I was never sure what was for sale or what the prices were!

My biggest disappointment was the displays, which were very poor, I think that we are quick to criticise Games Workshop, but a day (even a couple of hours) at Warhammer World really 'blows your sock off', full as it is of truly fantastic 'eye candy'. Wargames Foundry was a let down for me and I would be surprised if I visit again. I would be interested if this was just a Monday morning bad day or if this is normal?

Before driving back I spent some time walking around the city centre and called in the Tourist Information shop, where I spotted a card backed brochure - Timber framed buildings of Nottingham. I browsed the booklet but quickly realised that most of the images were illustrations taken from 'other' books on timber framed buildings, books that I already own and so did not buy it. I did take some photos - these (see above) being some.


Saturday 18 September 2010

Superglue applicators?

Just a very quick post this time. I was browsing e-bay when I came across these Mr Glue applicators, basically plastic paintbrush handles with various black plastic, sculpted ends. I tend to use cocktail sticks - I go though hundreds, I use each one a couple of times and then throw them away.

This got me thinking; "what do you use for applying superglue?" And is there a 'perfect' superglue applicator?

Thanks in advance........


Friday 17 September 2010

Planned Releases from Grand Manner

Regular readers and followers will know that I produce some of the 'Masters' for the UK based wargame terrain company Grand Manner Over the last six months I have been working on three main projects, they are;
Ancient Greeks
European Napoleonic Buildings and

While working on these models I find it better to not Blog about them or upload photos but wait until the resin models are available for sale, for example the Medieval Town Buildings and the new Greek Temple. However Dave at GM now has a whole load of finished masters that are planned to be moulded and cast over the next couple of months and in time for Crisis (Antwerp). He has added to his main Grand Manner Web pages a new section called New and on the Workbench, see; Link where you are able to see raw masters prior to casting and register your interest in purchasing.

These three photos are my images of the original models, a Greek Ship based on the Argo.

A Prussian Barn

And a model of a Wealdon House (with thatched roof)

Please check out the new section - there are three pages of new models and even more to come!

I am sure that as we progress, further new models and even 'work-in-progress' shots will be added to the site.


Thursday 16 September 2010

Quick Tips from Bryan Fosten

At Colours last weekend, I picked up a load of older magazines, in particular a batch of Modelworld which I have really enjoyed reading.

This particular tip was featured in Volume 1, Number 12 from August 1973 and I have reproduced it here as I am always looking at ways to hold work-in-progress miniatures, both during conversion and painting. I quite like the wooden holder featured towards the right of this sketch.

I have in the past tried to use various figure holders, both home-made and professional - In the main I usually revert back to a blob of Blutack on top of old or existing paint pots!

It would be interesting to read how others manage!


Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Ancible Magazine #1

Issue One of The Ancible is available for free download, check it out at;

I was made aware of the offer through a flier at Colours 2010 and downloaded the PDF yesterday. I am still to read ALL of the articles, but those I have seen have been very good.


Sunday 12 September 2010

Greek Temple from Grand Manner - painted

I was at COLOURS 2010 yesterday, helping out on the Grand Manner stand, but still having time to browse the show and exhibits. These images are of the new 28mm/40mm Greek Temple, modelled by me and now available via Grand Manner as a resin casting in the new 28mm Classic Greek shop section.

This is the first time I have seen a painted model - the painting being expertly done by Kate, Dave daughter. I think she has done a great job in catching the huge variety of different colours evident in early Greek temples. I also think that this painted temple looks so much better than the bare resin casting.

I'll post up comments (and photos) about the show later, but my impressions were that this was not a great show, I think I preferred Warfare or Partisan, see earlier posts.


Friday 10 September 2010

Building a 'Charge the Breach' gaming table

For the last couple of days Gavin over at Barking Irons has been looking into producing a breached wall for use in a Flintloque scenario/game, in addition there has been comments and posts over an the Flintloque Yahoo site The Notables - I have produced this simple pen sketch showing my own design for a 2foot x 2foot gaming table featuring a breach in a Spanish/Peninsular defensive wall.

I would suggest that the table could be enlarged to 2'6" x 2'6" or build to suit an existing board. I would build the two complete wall sections from Blue Foam, with the stonework carved and later textures with a sharp pencil and a broken rock from the garden (press the sharp edges of the broken rock in to the Blue Foam to add surface detail).

The rubble would be built on top of a foam former and detailed with Blue Foam stones, rubble from the garden, sand and fine gravel.

Painting would be simple - pale creams and light browns, with some greenery, mainly tufts of pale grass spread over the exposed ground (try using pale paintbrush hairs pressed in to small holes and sealed with uPVA glue).

The whole scenario would be played around the wall breach and as such there would not be a need for a huge table or loads of superfluous terrain, in this case 'less really does mean more!'

For added interest why not include half buried Ferach Elves in the rubble or gabbions, strewn across the rubble, I have seen a number of (54mm) single figure and vignettes that use this technique, it would also add some colour to an otherwise bare board.

A simple attach the breach or Forlorn Hope scenario could be played twice (swap the attacker defender roles and see how well you can attack a breach). A further suggestion would be to use the game as a means of gaining promotion or man the barricades with civilians and soldiers to add interest.


Thursday 9 September 2010

Orc Officer part two

Very quickly following my earlier post - here is The Orc Officer part two, this time on tracing paper and coloured with watercolour pencils (applied dry).

Once again - any comments welcome. I know I need to improve, has anyone got any suggestions for a good book or internet based tutorials?


Orc Officer

I am regularly impressed by the cartoon artwork of Iron Mitten and have with many false starts, tried to produce similar illustrations, most being consigned to the bin!

I know that if I am to improve I first have to practice and secondly have some impetus to continue. Therefore here is my first published cartoon illustration - a Flintloque Orc Officer. I have used an artist black drawing pen and coloured the illustration with watercolour paint.

Comments and critique are welcome in fact needed - as without them I might allow this part of my hobby to dwindle.


Tuesday 7 September 2010

Gripping Beast Morris Men

When Gripping Beast first announced the launch of their Morris Men I knew I would have to have a set. I picked up the blister of seven miniatures from Colours 2009 but it has taken some time to paint them.

I mounted four of the figures (three dancers and the accordion player) on to a square resin base and painted them in the uniform of the Mad Jack's Morris as a gift for my Brother and Sister in Laws wedding anniversary as both are members of this group.

The miniatures have been modified to match the dress of this group of dancers with crossbelts and top hats, While the figure to the right has had Dave's glasses and mustache added with Green Stuff, see illustration above.

I have tried to vary the 'whites' by using a different acrylic paint blend on each of the figures, the white was painted over Vallejo's Stonewall Grey.

Finally, once finished and varnished the resin base was mounted on to a silver box, to celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Dave and Fee.

Tony (and Sue)

Sunday 5 September 2010

Medieval Buildings - Update

The most recent update from Grand Manner features this display layout of the newly released medieval buildings and houses which were designed by Dave and me. This is the first time I have seen the initial range fully painted and displayed.

The black and white townhouses, windmill and dovecote were designed and built by me, the church and country or farm houses (in the background) were designed by Dave of GM.

The townhouses are designed to be inter-changeable, where the ground floor, first floor and roofs (tiled and thatched) can be swapped and reversed to give an infinite choice of layouts and structures. The initial plan was for the houses to be used in rows as featured in Coventry, however this photo and others that I have seen of these houses in game use are usually displayed as single houses.

I am also impressed with the variety of colours used as opposed to 'plain' black and white schemes. I can confirm that the range is to be expanded and include larger and 'feature' buildings/structures. We may even have a couple for display and sale at Colours 2010, Newbury later this month.

More updates to follow.


Saturday 4 September 2010

Toy Soldiers from Belgium

Over the Summer holidays, my daughter and her boyfriend visited Belgium, a music festival. Holly brought back a load of photos of beautiful Belgian buildings and these snaps of traditional toy soldiers that were for sale in a cafe they visited.

The first three show Napoleons Generals, while the fourth (and my favourite) shows a Baker selling his wares from a market cart. I really like this comic figure and have already been making sketches and thinking about building a 28mm version to go with my Flintloque collection.

The images of the buildings have already been filed away, with an intention of building a section of walling to display and take photos of my figures, more to follow - in fact this may be my Christmas 2010 project. I'll keep you all informed.

Thank you Holly and Mark, I really appreciated the images.


Wednesday 1 September 2010

August update

Following a visit to Frankfurt at the end of July and a day out at the Weald and Downlands Open Air Museum I have been busy building masters for Grand Manner. The models are now with Dave and should be available for Colours on the 11th and 12th of September. All in all I am expecting there to be over a dozen new buildings launched at the show and I will be attending on the Saturday.

In addition to modelling, I have at least two new Foul Mouth Freddy stories/scenarios due to be included in Orcs in the Webbe and Barking Irons In fact I have already been informed that a modelling and painting article is to be included in issue three of BI which is in addition to the Foul Mouth Freddy article!

The Ancible magazine has a build it/paint it article featuring yet another 1/300th scale Aeronef, however I am not sure if it will be featured in issue five or issue six?

In addition to all this I have asked to be included in the latest Alternative Armies painting competition, see link so it should come as no surprise that I am also thinking about entering another competition featuring on The Lead Adventure I would hope that common sense prevails and I resist the temptation, but regular readers will know that I am not known for taking the simple option!

I promise to keep the blog updated, but I would hope that given the above you will excuse me if I fall behind.
