Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pudigrochumsberg Barn - part two

Part two - the painting of the Pudigroan Barn for Flintloque. For details of part one please see this post.

Images Two and Three - The whole model was given an undercoat or basecoat of dark brown. I find that this helps to define the detail and give me something to build upon. In these images you can see that I have already started to highlight certain panels or features with a lighter drybrushing.

Image Four - I wanted an almost 'cartoony' colour scheme and chose one that was simple but impactful. The walls are built up from Scab Red, highlighted with Blood Red and further detailed with Hot Orange.

Image Five - The white is built up over Stonewall Grey and highlighted with Titanium White - an artists tube acrylic paint. I like to paint my terrain with darker colours on the lower level and lighter colours the higher up I go.

Image Six - I have painted the groundwork in my usual Snakebite Leather. I find that painting all of my terrain with the same paint mix, helps to unify all of the terrain or scenery.

Images Seven, Eight and Nine - The roof was painted to imitate large wooden planks. and I have tried to paint them as rough cut and weathered planking.

Additional detail painting has been carried out by building the colours from dark to light and 'washing' the painted pieces afterwards.

This image shows the rear of the barn. The smaller barrels are cast in plaster and were from a model railway supplier while the larger barrel was sculpted by me.

Images Ten, Eleven and Twelve - The finished Pudigroan Barn in the shape of a kennel!

I couldn't resist having some fun and painting the name FIDO above the door.....

I think I have succeeded in producing a fun piece of themed terrain for this new Army of Dogs - for full details of the whole range please go to this link.

Woof, Woof.


Monday 28 September 2015

A Pudigrochumsberg Barn for Flintloque

This scratch-built Barn was built as a challenge - to build a Pudigochumsberg themed piece of terrain to support the newest releases from Alternative Armies/Flintloque - the Pudigroan Line. For full details go to this link.

I wanted a completely different feel to this new piece of terrain and set about searching the Internet for suitable images.

In a moment of madness - I though "Dog Soldiers would live in kennels!" And the idea of a kennel shaped barn was born.

Image Two - This sketch is based on the traditional open-fronted dog kennel, the sort that we are all familiar with through hundreds of cartoons and comic illustrations

Image Three - The construction started by marking out some scrap cardboard.

Image Four - The kennel profiles were cut out.

Image Five - And 'scaled out' to build a suitable sized barn.

Image Six - I 'clad' the exposed corrugated cardboard with thinner and smoother card to give a firm base to build upon.

Image Seven - The walls of the kennel/barn were then covered in distressed lollipop sticks. I used superglue to glue the sticks them in place.

Image Eight - The barn at the same stage of construction, this time taken from a different angle.

Image Nine - The doors are a single section of thin balsawood, while the arched door entrance is a single piece of Green Foam. Any gaps were filled with DAS modelling clay.

Image Ten - Detailing began with some balsawood eaves and I have based the barn on an oval of 3mm thick plastic card with the groundwork built up from DAS.

Image Eleven - The wooden clad roof is more Green Foam with additional detailing from cocktail sticks, plastic card and DAS.

I have added some resin barrels to the side. I felt that the model needed something to give an impression of 'scale'.

Image Twelve - I have also added a 'bone' shaped name plate - after all this is a bit of FUN.

Image Thirteen - The main doors have been further detailed with plastic card rivets and a couple of bent wire handles.

The groundwork was further textured with sieved sand applied over uPVA glue.

In part two I will talk you through the painting of this Kennel-Shaped Barn, but for now I hope you enjoyed this piece of complete madness!



Sunday 27 September 2015

Garden Gnome - part ten

Cecil the Garden Gnome is now finished.

I have also given him three coats of matt varnish in the hope that this will protect the paint when he is placed outdoors.

I am fully aware that this has been a rather unusual series of posts, but one that I have enjoyed.

The Gnome is 35cms tall - from his oversized slippers to the top of his orange cap.

The model Gnome is sold as a Gnome with Broom, but I have painted the broom as a paint brush.

I'm still not sure about those trews!


Saturday 26 September 2015

Brockhampton Estate Nr. Bromyard, Herefordshire

Sue and I spent the morning at Brockhampton a National Trust estate near Bromyard, Herefordshire. This was the first time we had visited this particular site and were very impressed with the grounds and the main Manor, particularly the 'close timbered' Gate House that bridges the moat.

The main house has many attractions - one of which was this beautifully built model of a Timber framed house. In the same room was an architect's desk complete with part drawn plans, drawing tools and even some coloured inks. I was particularly interested in a book on Timber Buildings and Construction that I was permitted to look through and even had my photo taken at the desk.....

Tucked around the back of the house is this ruined chapel - which has loads of modelling potential.

On the way back to the carpark, we picked Damsons (there was a very good crop) and later still Sue made Damson Jam, a sample of which I am eating while typing this post.

This was one of the best National Trust visits we have had this year and I would recommend it as a great day out. For further details see this link.


The following image was posted in response to Paul's comment and gives details of the construction of the gatehouse - when and how it was made.

I hope that this helps.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Frostgrave Statuary - part three

Yet another statue for Frostgrave.

"I am well aware that it is becoming a bit of an obsession!"

Image Two - A Monster-in-my Pocket Hell Hound and two MDF bases.

Image Three - The two bases glued on top of one another and the Hell Hound glued on top of these.

I have used superglue to glue these pieces together.

Image Four - The base is my usual 3mm thick plastic card with the groundwork built up from DAS modelling clay. I have added some scatter to the base and in this image the whole model has been given an undercoat or primer of uPVA glue.

Image Five - The basecoat was a mix of black, brown and blue. You can see how I have mixed the paints on the model.

Image Six - The main colour is again black, white and blue. The blue helps to give the impression of cold and fits in well with the various Frostgrave illustrations in the rule book.

I have also tried to vein the base by adding thin stripes of both white and blue-grey. In this image the effect is very subtle.

Image Seven - The groundwork, painted in Snakebite and Snakebite/Skull White.

Odd stones have been picked out in grey - highlighter white and I have painted the six eyes with a red wash and a white pin-prick.

Image Eight - Once varnished the base was decorated with dyed sawdust (or railway scatter) and some ground foam.

Image Nine - In this image I have included my tried and trusted Flintloque Rifleorc to give an idea of the size and scale of this statue.

The latest model statue is 80mm tall and fixed to a base 100mm x 100mm.


By publishing this tutorial I am hoping that I can raise some money for charity. If you have read and enjoyed this short tutorial, I would ask that the next time you pass a charity collection tin or someone in the street collecting that you donate whatever you think fit and remember this article.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Statuary for Frostgrave - part two

My latest piece of statuary for the planned game of Frostgrave is this Pillar of Good.

Image two - The main model is a Reaper Bones Pillar of Good (77246) that I picked up as part of a mixed-bag of models at a recent e-bay auction. In truth, I was more interested in the other models and this casting was relegated to my 'spares-box'. Skip forward a month or two and here it is being based and painted in just a couple of days!

I have based the model on a simple button.

Image Three - The model has now been fully based. From top to bottom we have; The Pillar of Good, a couple of spare coins (it is always worth hanging onto old coins as they are great for bases), the button and a rough circle of 3mm thick plastic card, cut and chamfered to shape.

I used superglue for the construction.

The groundwork is DAS modelling clay and some sieved stones and fine sand applied over uPVA glue.

Image Four - The basecoat is black, brown and blue. Try to get a good overall coverage as this will help with subsequent layers of paint.

Image Five - Highlighting with a lighter grey to which I have once again added a small touch of blue.

Image Six - The statue has been 'washed' with various washes, I try to vary the colour and consistency as I find this makes the stonework appear less monotone.

The groundwork has been painted with Snakebite Leather and highlighted with Snakebite and Skull White.

Image Seven - After varnishing with Galleria matt varnish the base has been further detailed with both railway scatter or dyed sawdust and some ground foam.

The Flintloque Rifleorc gives some idea of the size of this latest statue - the new model is 80mm tall and sits on a base 55mm x 55mm.


By publishing this tutorial I am hoping that I can raise some money for charity. If you have read and enjoyed this short tutorial, I would ask that the next time you pass a charity collection tin or someone in the street collecting that you donate whatever you think fit and remember this article.