Wednesday 28 September 2022

Continental Modeller - a great charity shop find

I picked up six issues of Continental Modeller - the specialist publication featuring railways from around the world for just £1.00 for all six. The magazines were in a charity shop in Pershore and although 20p each the deal was buy 6 for just £1.00.

The reason I pick up these magazines when I see them is because of the fantastic modeller Emmanuel Nouailler who writes for Continental Modeller and has written for Military Modeller (amongst others) showing how he produces super realistic shop fronts and models from scratch. For more information on Emmanuel, see this link.


Tuesday 27 September 2022

Commando Comics - Sharpshooters and Saboteurs

I have written in previous Blog posts, how I enjoy reading Commando Comics and in particular those of with a Napoleonic theme. The latest issue - issue 5579 called Sharpshooters and Saboteurs hit the newsstands earlier this week and I just couldn't help myself. I bought it.

For more details of this issue see this link and for more information about earlier Blog posts featuring Commando Comic Napoleonic War themes see this link.


Sunday 18 September 2022

Redditch Model Railway Exhibition

Earlier today Sue and I took Charlie and Finley to the Redditch Model Railway Exhibition in Redditch. This was the first time both Charlie and Finley had attended a railway exhibition and I can confirm that they loved it, voting Bear Creek Junction as their favourite layout - I have to agree, it was very special.

There wasn't that much for me to buy, just some bits and pieces that I am sure will find their way on to The Yellow Pelican Mining Co. board.

Back home they were more interested in playing soldiers with some 40mm Lord of the Rings miniatures than playing trains.

For more information of the club and the exhibition/exhibitions, see this link.


Thursday 15 September 2022

The Magic of Middle Earth - Worcestershire Museum

Sue and I both enjoyed The Magic of Middle Earth exhibition held at Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum. The exhibition celebrates the incredible fantasy world of J R R Tolkien that has inspired so many of us. The exhibition ends this Saturday - 17th September 2022.


Monday 12 September 2022

A Biblical Granary - Miniature Wargames issue 474

The latest issue of Miniature Wargames (issue 474 from October 2022) has another wargame terrain tutorial built and written by me - A Biblical Granary built to 28mm scale based on a number of museum pieces found on the internet.

The following images show the finished model with a 28mm scale mini alongside and shown for scale.

The model was built over a corrugated cardboard core on a hardboard base. Wall texturing was done with ready-mixed filler, DAS modelling clay and acrylic medium and painting was completed with a mix of brush painting and airbrushing.

For more information, you can pick up the magazine from W H Smiths.


Friday 9 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II

 1926 - 2022

Rest in peace

Monday 5 September 2022

Tradition Magazine

I picked up a number of issues of Tradition - The Journal of the International Society of Military Collectors from 1968/69 at the market place/hall in Tenbury Wells for just £1.00 each. The vendor had a number of issues, but after browsing the pages, I thought that two was more than enough.

The magazines are mainly black and white with some colour plates, but have little in the way of modelling information other than simple illustrations compered with more modern publications.


Thursday 1 September 2022

Yellow Pelican Mining Co. - Featured in Narrow Gauge World issue 169, September 2022

The latest issue of Narrow Gauge World - issue 169, from September 2022 features the completed Yellow Pelican Mining Co. layout in a three page feature special. For more information, you can pick up the magazine from W.H.Smiths.

Here are a couple of additional images taken this Summer showing the complete layout with painted fascia and the new vinyl lettering.

I even get an appearance on the front cover.....
