Saturday 30 March 2013

WMMS 2013 Alumwell Wargame Show - part four

Part four is a 'miss-match' of images from the West Midlands Military Show 2013 and some images from earlier shows that I have not yet included in a photo report. 

Sit back and enjoy - Happy Easter.


Thursday 28 March 2013

Tarragin for Flash Gordon - part five

The Pledge for March 2013 is finished. A single Tarragin or Sharkman armed with a wicked raygun. 

The model has been matt varnished with Galleria Matt Varnish (a water based varnish to which I add some Tamiya X21 Flat Base). Once the varnish is fully dry, I have added both static grass and some foam clumps.

Once again, I have included a 40mm Graven Images Cliff Hanger figure for scale. One of Emperor Ming's evil cronies.

The miniature is a Tarragin with Blaster and Bone Knife (SCPSKU312) for full details go to this link.

Although it is only one figure, I am pleased with this On-Line Build. Next month something a little larger.


Wednesday 27 March 2013

Tarragin for Flash Gordon - part four

A short update. Yesterday I gloss varnished the miniature. I used Ronseal Hardglaze. 

The figure is safely housed in the garage as I wait for the varnish to harden, the cold weather has certainly hampered any attempts at finishing off this single figure but with a promise of more sun over the Easter break, maybe I'll get it finished before the end of March. I have to, I already know what my April pledge is going to be.

In terms of 'The Pledge', this has been a simple challenge, a single mini and a whole month to complete, but March in the West Midlands, has felt more like November in Iceland. I for one will be glad when we can start to venture out without a scarf and gloves.

More to come, but not too much as it is very nearly finished.


Monday 25 March 2013

Miniature Wargames 360.....

Two posts in one day and both labelled Miniature Wargames! 

It is not a mistake. Earlier today Sue and I decided that we would visit Stratford-on-Avon as the weather although cold (and still having snow on the ground) was sunny and more importantly dry! We had a great time window shopping and as I had some vouchers for WHSmiths, I called in to check out the latest modelling/wargaming magazines on offer.

Imagine my surprise when leafing through the latest edition of Miniature Wargames (issue 360, April 2013) I saw an article written by me. Bish, Bash, Boche; Pages 72 - 74, showing how I constructed some Halfling Roundhouses for the game S.P.Q.Orc - Pax Bochemannica from Maveryc Games.

It is fair to say that with all the uncertainty surrounding the availability of this newly launched game, I had expected this article to have been put on hold. For those not familiar with the game, search Pax Bochemannica in the labels section of this Blog. or go to this link.

The three page article details how I built three Halfling Roundhouses for use in the Pax Bochemannica demonstration games, planned for earlier this year. This illustration shows the medium size house. Each of the buildings, although unique (they would have to be - they are Halfling Boche Roundhouses) are based on a variety of Google image searches and readily available or existing resin roundhouses.

The same techniques could be used to build more 'historically accurate' Roundhouses or even Saxon structures. Check out the magazine and tell me what you think. From the next issue Miniature Wargames has a new editor; Henry Hyde and the publication now incorporated Battlegames, see this earlier post.


Miniature Wargames 361

I came across this open letter from Henry Hyde (editor of BattleGames and soon to be editor of Miniature Wargames/Incorporating Battlegames) over on the SFSFW Yahoo Group in which Henry gives his views on  Non-Historical Content in MW.

I found the comments to be very interesting and informative. I had already decided that I would be picking up this newly formatted magazine, even before I read that an article by me was to be featured in the magazine! Here is a clue as to the content.

In the past I have had correspondence with Andrew Hubback (previous editor of MW), who has kindly included two modelling articles written by me in recent issues. Andrew is moving on to new challenges and Henry is taking over the reins at the new magazine. I wish them both the very best of luck in their new ventures.

The new look Miniature Wargames issue 361 is due on the shelves in early April. I shall be searching it out to see how the revised format works.


Sunday 24 March 2013

Commando Comics with a Napoleonic theme.....

Earlier I posted about a Commando Comic called The Regimental Spoon. There followed some comments on this Blog and so after searching through the attic, I have put together this montage.

Each one is either fully set in the Napoleonic Wars or has a foothold in the Napoleonic Wars.

One of the earliest I have is Turncoat (No. 2825) which is surprisingly well illustrated.

The Indestructibles (No. 3631) follows the Renshire Rifle Brigade from the Napoleonic Wars through to WW2.

Days of Daring (No. 3765) and Return to Duty (No. 3770) follow the adventures of Luke Benson and his Cousin through the Peninsular War. Possibly the best of the Napoleonic Commando stories and very difficult to find!

Deadly Deception (No. 3978) and Retreat to Victory (No. 3985) another two-parter starts in Spain and travels across Europe to the outskirts of Moscow.

King of the Mountain (No. 4074) it is difficult to comment on this story without giving too much away. Read it and see what you think.

The Fighting Brothers (No. 4146) sees some battling brothers from Switzerland enroll in the army of Napoleon, another well illustrated comic.

The Regimental Spoon (No. 4579) has already been featured on this Blog. here but I thought it was worth posting these images and summaries.


Friday 22 March 2013

Birthday Books.....

In addition to two birthday cakes, a Polo shirt (Holly), a giant tub of sherbet filled flying saucers (Gary and Beckie) and loads (I mean loads) of sweets and chocolates, I had this selection of books and magazines for my birthday. At heart I'm still a big kid!

Hobby Japan and Toys & Models from Holly in Thailand with the three smaller books from Sue.

The Immortality Engine is another by George Mann. I read the first book The Affinity Bridge some time ago. Once again a gift from Sue.

Mum has sent me a practical knife sharpener and a voucher for WHSmiths. I'm sure I will find something to buy with the voucher!!! While my Mother-in-Law, Flo bought me another practical gift of M&S jeans.

The day has started slowly, there was some snow last night and it is still very cold. This evening Sue and I are going out for a Curry and Skittles night - a big grudge match in Worcester.


Wednesday 20 March 2013

Building Wargaming Terrain - update

Work on my book - How to build Wargame Terrain continues. This weekend I spent ages, converting the articles and page layouts to PDF format. I am now amending the layout and checking the text prior to having a test book produced. (Page numbering is proving a bit difficult).

The page count is now up to 98 pages with a word count over 15,000 words.

I would like to say that it is ready for viewing  but I think there is a great deal of additional work to be done before that can happen.

Currently there are thirteen chapters, with tutorials going from simple scenics to a full 'start-to-finish' structure. I will keep this Blog updated with developments, but layout and checking is taking longer than I had expected.

More soon. Hopefully very soon.


Monday 18 March 2013

WMMS 2013 Alumwell Wargame Show - part three

Part Four shows some of the exhibition games that caught my attention or had buildings and terrain that I thought were worth recording.
