For some considerable time I have wanted to build an Ancient Greek/Greek Mythology group of 40mm figures. Earlier today I was clearing out some miniatures to put on e-bay and came across these Grenadier, Guthrie Minotaur's which had laid unloved in my lead mountain for ages. I was thinking about putting them onto e-bay but at the last minute relented and while my Wife was watching Wimbledon, I based and painted the pair of them.
All three figures still need to be varnished and flocked, but I thought that I would share my days painting and modelling.
Photo One - A Spartan Games 40mm Hero facing two Grenadier Minotaur's.

Photo Two - The based and undercoated Minotaur's although shown here with a pure black undercoat they were later washed with a very dark brown.

Photo Three - Minotaur 1, awaiting varnishing.

Photo Four - Minotaur 2, awaiting varnishing.

Photo Five - The pair of Minotaur's. I have tried for a very different painting style with these figures, a dark brown base layer and more subdued colours.

Photo Six - The Spartan Games Hero, nearly finished. Once again I have purposely tried for a subdued colour scheme, less primary and with dark brown shading rather than pure black. More natural!

Photo Seven - The painted Hero awaiting a coat of varnish.

Photo Eight - As above. I had wanted to have a GW Blood Angels decal on the shield, but instead went for this traditional Greek letter, slightly highlighted. My initial plan was to have a group of five Blood Angel Spartans and then a similar group of five Ultra Marine themed Greek soldiers.

Photo Nine - A comparison of the two figures, the Spartan Miniatures figure is 40mm tall (head to toe) and the Minotaur scales out at roughly the same height. I have been collecting Greek Myth miniatures for some time and wanted MY Minotaur's and Monster's to be 40mm or there about rather than the huge monsters of current gaming vogue.
All three miniatures are mounted on to the unusual base of an old 1d coin, or 31mm. and only slightly blended to keep the height low.

Now that I have finally taken the plunge to finish three figures, I would hope to proceed with this project. A couple of groups of Greek soldiers and a hand full of monsters, maybe a group of skeleton's as Jason and the Argonaut's.
My plan is to use the Alternative Armies game
Typhon as the core rules.