August Bank Holiday and I thought I would post something different. Here is my latest 40mm Flash Gordon monster - A Crystaline Entity. It has been quite some time since I added to this project and when I saw this Ice Golem from Ral Partha on e-bay, I thought it would make a great Flash monster to add to my collection.
There isn't much to say about the model, the basing or the painting as it really is a simple sculpt to finish off. I mounted the 'slotta-base' figure onto a 40mm round base, building up the groundwork with pieces of broken cork and Green Stuff. The figure was basecoated white and washed with dilute blue ink (Warzone) before being dry-brushed with GW Skull White. In fact it took longer to paint the base than the figure!
I have left the model gloss varnished and only matt varnished the base prior to adding some static-grass. A very simple model to complete - just as I like it.
The figure is 40mm tall head-to-toe or 60mm top of claw-to-toe. The very small area of base of foot to groundwork makes this a very fragile model. I will have to be extra careful in handling this monster.
