Saturday, 1 March 2025

The Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers

I have recently reread this classic fantasy novel that was originally published in 1979. The Drawing of the Dark by Tim Powers is one of my all time favourite fantasy novels and one I would highly recommend.

I originally read this red covered copy back when I was much younger and picked up the later Fantasy Masterworks, green cover version some time later. Getting back into reading fantasy I picked this book off my daughters book shelf (she has quite a library of my books) earlier this year and really enjoyed reading it for the third time.

There are few books that I have reread this being one that I think I could read easily read for a fourth time!

For more information, see this link.

Happy St David's Day


Friday, 28 February 2025

Blogging for 17 years!

Although it only seems like yesterday, this Blog is today celebrating its 17th anniversary. As a record of my modelling and gaming hobby it has covered many, many different subjects but as regular readers and followers will know it mainly concentrates on scratch building models and painting miniatures.

I have been asked why don't I produce content for YouTube, but I'm just more comfortable with Blogging and writing for magazines.

Thank you for ALL the comments and I look forward to many more years of Dampf's Modelling Page.


Tuesday, 25 February 2025

New wire cutter

I picked up this pair of wire cutters from a local charity shop for just £1.00. At this price I thought they were worth taking a chance with.

Back home I tested them on some plastic sprue and found them so much better than my old and trusted Citadel plastic sprue cutter. I now wish I'd bought a second set!

The cutting edges are great for using on plastic kits and with the large 6 inch sprung handles are so comfortable in the hand.

Bought from British heart Foundation, Droitwich.


Sunday, 16 February 2025

The Witches Hovel - Miniature Wargames issue 503

The latest issue of Miniature Wargames (issue 503 March 2025) features this Witches Hovel converted and painted by me. The MDF kit was bought from The Range last year and I had intended to feature it in the October issue, but the model took a little longer than expected to complete.

The MDF Halloween kit was bought for just £4.00 back in August 2024. I thought it would make a great piece of terrain for Burrows & Badgers.

For more information, see the latest issue or pop over to this link.


Sunday, 2 February 2025

GM Magazine from 1990

A recent visit to a second hand book store in Tewkesbury dug up this classic from 1990. At just 50p - I couldn't resist it.

Volume 2 No. 6 from February 1990. The contents are obviously showing their age but it has been fun to read the articles and comments from a magazine now 35 years old. The highlights for me are the old adverts and unbelievable prices plus the haircuts!

A magazine that has been fun to read.


Friday, 24 January 2025

The Worcester Conquest Hoard

Earlier today Sue and I visited Worcester Museum to see the Worcester Conquest Hoard - the largest collection of early Roman coins ever found in Britain. Over 1300 coins ranging from the early Roman Republic to the reign of Emperor Nero.

If you are in the area - it is well worth a visit.

For more information, see this link.


Thursday, 23 January 2025

Where have all the magazines gone?

Sue and I visited Cheltenham yesterday and I popped into W H Smiths to check out the latest magazine offering. 

Is it just me or has W H Smiths cut back on the amount and variety of magazines on offer? There were no military modelling magazines or wargame magazines on display and the amount of shelf space was a fraction of what I remember.

I'm not sure if this is just restricted to the Cheltenham store or if this is a country wide phenomenon.

What do you think? Is your W H Smiths cutting back on the selection?


Thursday, 9 January 2025

Raised Market Hall - Miniature Wargames issue 502

The latest issue of Miniature Wargames (issue 502 for February 2025) features this raised market hall or store. The model was originally built some time ago and features in my now out-of-print and self published book Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 1 - Building Wargame Terrain.

Inspired by a Gary Chalk illustration in the Rackhams magazine Cry Havoc the model was built from plastic card and foam with DAS modelling clay detail.

Parts of the model were also cast in resin and were available from Grand Manner however, I am not sure if they are still available to purchase.

With the construction finished, the model was painted with a wide variety of different acrylic paints then varnished and finally decorated with static grass and tufts.

For more information of the contents of this magazines, see this link or pick up a copy from your local W H Smiths.


Sunday, 5 January 2025

Writing for Wargame Magazines

Over the Christmas and New Year break I was asked why I'm no longer writing for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy or Wargames Illustrated. In the part I have written for both magazines as well as Ancible (now no longer produced) and various on-line fanzines including Barking Irons and Ragnarok in addition to a number of articles for various railway magazines but for some time I have been a regular contributor to Miniature Wargames under John  Treadaway (Editor) and I just feel comfortable with his leadership and the way that he allows me the freedom to scratch build models that appeal to me.

I would not rule out writing for other magazines should I be asked, but with a continual and non broken series of over 48 magazine articles for Miniature Wargames I feel that I have found a home and this is something I feel very comfortable with.

I would always welcome suggestions for new subject matter as my own imagination is running a little empty and I do enjoy a challenge!

Once again Happy New Year.


Thursday, 2 January 2025

New Years resolution 2025

Not so much a firm resolution, more of an aim, but I do plan on painting more figures this year and trying to reduce my Lead Mountain of shame.

Happy New Year.


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

A new Port wine for New Year

This New Year I opened this bottle of Noval Black Port wine and I have to admit it was spectacular. Thank you Mum. It was a real treat.
