Thursday, 13 March 2025

A decorative Gourd Hovel for Burrows & Badgers. Miniature Wargames magazine issue 504

Miniature Wargames issue 504 (April 2025) features this Burrows & Badgers inspired hovel, a decorative squash model modelled by me and converted from a discounted Christmas decoration.

It all started with a decorative glitter covered apple bought from The Range (UK discount store).

Conversion work was carried out with home-made paper mache and Milliput two part epoxy.

The squash or decorative pumpkin was mounted on to a plastic card base and the groundwork built up with DAS modelling clay textured with sieved stones and sand. The door and window surround was constructed from scrap foam.

The model was painted in colours found on the internet and following an illustration found on the Burrows & Badgers Facebook page.

For more information and a detailed description please search out the most recent magazine. Or go to this page.

The model was great fun to build and paint and I'm looking forward to building a second and similar model very soon.


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