Thursday 28 March 2019

Foldable Vice Jam Clamp Workbench

Prior to Christmas, I saw an advert in a model boat magazine for a Dremel Project Table (basically a workbench without legs) and thought it would be a great addition to my own toobox. However the Dremel branded clamp was a little to expensive for me and so I started looking around for a replacement.

I found a suitable alternative from B&Q and purchased this simplified workbench or Foldabe Vice Jam Clamp Workbench and once it was assembled I was able to use it for both modelling and home DIY projects, particularly the preparation of some display or gaming boards that I was commissioned to build and paint.

I can confirm that although the table has a fold down option, it has in fact been left in its upright mode as I find it so useful. I now wonder how I managed without one for so long!

Well worth the investment. I am aware that there are cheaper versions on the Internet.


1 comment:

William said...

Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.