Monday 13 May 2024

A question for my Blog Followers/Readers - Magazine Articles


Regular Followers and Readers of this Blog will know that I regularly write how-to build scratch built terrain articles for Miniature Wargames (as well as a few for Wargames Illustrated and Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy). Over the last couple of years the format of tutorials in MW has been a three page how-to with a page describing the construction and or painting and then a two page spread with illustrations and text. It is a format that fits with the editors brief as well as being simple and informative. However on occasions I have stretched this format to be a two issue or two month article, for example part one - construction and part two - painting.

My question to all that read this Blog or the magazine articles is.....

How do you feel about two-part tutorials or longer articles that stretch over two issues of a magazine? And are you OK with it or would you prefer a longer article in a single magazine? I am currently working on a more detailed model which I feel would benefit from a split over two months and am asking for guidance.

Any help or comments - whether referring to my magazine articles or wider subjects and publications would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.



Simon said...

To put it simply I rarely buy a wargames magazine now, so your question is redundant on my part. Simon

Codsticker said...

My preference would be for one long article. The only war games magazine that I subscribe to Wargames Soldiers and Strategy but I occasionally pick up other publications for specific articles.

Els On said...

Depends on what the how to is trying to do.
But my pref, long or short is within a single issue.

Kev Moon said...

I prefer the single issue ones, but don't mind the double ones.

Ezra Badb West said...

I prefer one issue articles. Two issues would be acceptable if the core terrain is in the first with additional terrain elements to create something more expansive. Such as a simple cottage in the first issue, with a small field with a stone or hedgerow boundary in the second issue.

Tim said...

My feeling is having the tutorial in one issue. However, I can see the editor wanting it over two or more especially if it is a really interesting build. The sense of anticipation may sell more issues! From my point of view, reading your blog tutorials over several posts is enjoyable and keeps the interest and excitement of what’s next. Tim

Lasgunpacker said...

I think one issue, unless it is a series of builds over multiple issues. E.g. building a cottage is one issue, but if you were doing a castle, or Star Wars bunker or something, that might go to multiple.

Just two issues is a bit odd, since it is not a continuing series, nor a complete all in one build.

Richard said...

Single issue articles are my preference. I want to see what you are building and painting all in one go. If it is a multi-piece terrain element, then splitting the construction into two articles would be preferable.

(Kym) + Warburton + (Classic40K) said...

I prefer one issue articles, but if it was a choice of having more and better information then two issue is acceptable in my view.