In the earlier post, I described how the Reaper Miniatures Earth Elemental was either modified or converted to produce three unique 40mm Flash Gordon Mudmen.
In this post I will detail how I painted them.
Photo One - Here you see the main painting completed. I used acrylic paints throughout, the base colour was a mix of three paints; Chaos Black from Games Workshop, Charcoal Black 34B from Foundry and Gunship Green from Model Color. Each of the miniatures was painted with a mix of these three colours, however each figure was painted with different proportions, one with more black, one with more grey and one with more green. This gave a variety to the colour and tone of each Mudman, but also kept a uniform theme running through all three.
The mid tone was added with a 'wetbrush' technique - think drybrushing, but with more paint on the brush using the same three base colours and a touch of Ivory from Model Color.
The highlights were added not with a brush but with small pieces of torn sponge (the same sponge material that is used in miniature packaging/blister packs). I used more Ivory and even some Skull White from Games Workshop to give a more stark highlight. The 'sponging' was done with the torn side of the sponge and in the same way as drybrushing, - very little paint on the sponge.
Once I was happy with the highlighting I washed the models with Games Workshop Washes - the Black and Sepia washes.

Photo Two - the same three miniatures, with the bases painted. You will also notice that I have added some dark brown splotches to the upper shoulders and forearms, this was to add some variation to the mainly grey colour scheme.

Using the 'stock' Earth Elemental miniature I have detailed below the varnishing and finishing techniques that I like to use.
Photo Three A - the painted miniature. I decided not to paint the eyes, keeping the recesses dark gives a more dramatic effect!

Photo Three B - the gloss varnishing.

Photo Three C - Matt Varnishing (a water based acrylic matt varnish).

Photo Three D - Varnished and flocked with static grass.

Photo Four - shows the three Mudmen finished. I couldn't resist adding some static grass to the upper shoulder areas of each of the three miniatures.

The miniatures are mounted on to 40mm round bases and stand 44mm tall (top of head to bottom of feet). The colour scheme was not ideal - I feel that more colour was needed, however as the painting progressed and the GW washes were added, I rather liked the dark and brooding colour. Maybe I should not have added the static grass to the shoulders, but once again, it just looks right (and there isn't that much). Flash Gordon cinema serial Mudmen, were able to blend into the surrounding rock and become invisible, they also spoke backwards (reversed magnetic tape recordings). My Mudmen are more mud elemental's, but fit nicely with the rest of the Flash Gordon collection. In the future I plan to add at least one more to the group.
1 comment:
They look great. I like the grass on the shoulders - very nice touch.
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