Thursday 1 September 2011

The Legend of Baldur - a short story

Barking Irons Online is featuring the second of my Flintloque inspired short stories. Tales from the White Liar - The Legend of Baldur. For full details go to this link

The White Liar themed or framed stories use the Flintloque/Slaughterloo background to introduce new writing or short stories by using a tried and proven method of the same introductory paragraph and the 'hook' of stories or tales told in a local tavern - The White Liar.  The idea is not original, but can inspire some entertaining writing.

The model featured below was inspired by this particular tale and shows Baldur (a regal Dwarf) on a scratch built plinth. The Flintloque miniature to the front gives some idea of the size of this model.

My plan is to include a separate Blog post giving details of how the model was built, based and painted.


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