Sunday 8 August 2021

Micro Art Studio - Dwarf Haldar M00201

It's been a while since I painted a display mini and I've got out of the habit, so my latest On-Line Build will be this resin dwarf from Micro Art Studio that I picked up at a wargame show some time ago for just £3.00. The model is of a 54mm scale Dwarf Warrior and I'll be painting him in the colour scheme of the Viking Barbarians featured in the film How To Train Your Dragon, a film that I've been watching and enjoying with my two grandsons.

I'm not sure if this model is still available from Micro Art Studio's as it does not appear on the current site but images can be found on the internet.

The four pieces are very well cast with slight flash and only one area around the fingertips on the shield hand miscast.

I'll be working on the model alongside a couple of magazine articles, so I am not expecting this to be a super fast project.


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