I was now getting impatient and because I wanted to model the rest of the roof, I placed the model in the oven, the family/house electric fan oven, something that I regularly do to dry-off the 'DAS' in preparation for more modelling. This time my attention was elsewhere and I am afraid that I either left it in for too long or on too high a setting and when I opened the oven door the smell of burning plastic (from the foam board) met my nostrils. If you study the pictures you will see a great deal of deformation of the structures - the chimney has tilted to one side, the main building shape has been 'blown out' like a balloon and the end wall of the wood framed building is now bowed! I do not think that there is a surviving 90' angle on the whole model.

I was very disappointed and tried to recover the project by forcing the shape back in to the model - the chimney broke off!
It will take some effort to bring this model tutorial back on track! But it at least shows anyone trying to copy the techniques used - DO NOT TO PLACE FOAM BOARD COVERED IN DAS IN THE OVEN!
Terrible luck. You have my sympathies.
Good lesson to learn though, neh?
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