For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive a number of modelling and gaming presents.
Gary & Beckie bought me a book about early ships/boats that is packed full of great black and white illustrations. Guess what my next modelling project is?
Sue bought me the Hobby's Catalogue 2011, which is a model-makers dream read, just full of great items. I also received a copy of the L. A. Carlyon book Gallipoli
Holly gave me the current issue of Wargames Illustrated, number 281. And later this week I received the WI, number 282 from Dave and Debbie at Grand Manner.

Thank you to all.
Congratulations, on your birthday?
Happy birthday! Sounds like a lovely set of gifts.
Happy birthday! It's my birthday as well so... Happy birthday to both of us. :) He he...
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