A Work-in-Progress shot of a 28mm Ancient Greek Olive Press. For details of the finished resin casting, see this link

Here's an unusual post! A Finnish start-up company is using one of my images on their Web pages, see this link
I've been modelling, painting miniatures and wargaming since I was a wee lad in Swansea, this blog details some of my interests - I hope that you like it. In 2010 I started a new modelling venture - building 40mm AWI/ACW terrain pieces and designing 28mm masters, which are then cast and available for sale from Grand Manner. - All original images and text are copyright of A. S. Harwood (Dampfpanzerwagon) - I can confirm that I do not hold any personal data on customers or followers of this Blog
Cool stuff at the link - nicely presented with those Foundry Greeks. Dean
excellent Tony, actually it could be used for any eastern grain grinder from the 16th cent to now!
Thought that was the Wheel of Pain at first!
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