Tuesday 14 May 2013

40mm Sharpe and Harper - part three

The Pledge for May 2013 continues. Sharpe and Harper from Graven Images sculpted by Jim Bowen.

Photos One and Two - Sharpe has had his flesh areas and the jacket 'blocked-in'. At this stage I am trying for a neat effect, but not too worried about defining either the details or the edges.

Photos Three and Four - Sergeant Harper at the same stage.

Photos Five and Six - I have painted the trousers (or overalls) in a bottle green colour, although this does not show up too well in these photos. The sash is Gore Red with Blood Red highlights.

Photos Seven and Eight - Not much to see on the Harper figure, the shoes are painted and the sack has been blocked-in and highlighted.

There is still lots to do but I am pleased with progress so far. To see the earlier posts go to this link and this link.



david bromley said...

They look really good so far!
I am about to begin my Napoleonic project. Only victrix and Perry plastic, with a modest Sharpe conversion, for Peninsular Campaign skirmish. I never knew that someone had sculpted Sharpe and Harper! I am still tempted to decapitate a GW Boromir for another Sharpe conversion! ;)

M. C. Monkey-Dew said...

WOW! They look fantastic!

BigLee said...

Looking good!