Thursday 2 May 2013

The Pledge for May 2013

Towards the middle of April I was looking around to see which set of models I would choose for my May 2013 On-Line Build and Pledge. The obvious answer was a group of Flintloque RifleOrcs and I had started to plan both the models, the background story and the colour scheme I would use.

However as I have already posted - on the 9th of April, Jim Bowen, figure sculptor and miniature painter died suddenly and I decided that I would paint up this pack of Sharpe and Harper from the Graven Images 40mm range of figures sculpted by Jim. (Nap001) For more details see this post.

Photo One - The unopened blister pack has sat untouched for some time. I believe that the pack was picked up from e-Bay.

Photo Two - A close up of the two figures still in the blister.

Photo Three - The models come as a three part kit, Harper is a single casting and Sharpe as a two part. The right arm and sword of Sharpe are a very strange casting and during the build this component was heavily modified.

Photo Four - Sharpe. A beautiful, crisp casting full of fine detail and character.

Photo Five - Harper, another fine metal casting, but again I needed to add some Green Stuff to thicken out both legs.

It is my intention to mount both figures on to a small display base or vignette, possibly with some stone wall or gabion feature. I have been searching through my store of suitable bases (or sockets) and so far I have not found an ideal base. I might have to scratch-build one.

I believe this pack is quite rare and a collectors item. I will be trying to paint it as a display model with as much care as I can muster.

More to follow.


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