Wednesday 29 May 2013

40mm Sharpe and Harper - finished

The Pledge for May 2013 - a simple vignette of Sharpe and Harper from Graven Images sculpted by Jim Bowen who sadly passed away earlier this year.

I have commented about the sad passing of Jim here and felt that painting and mounting this small display piece was a fitting tribute to one of my favourite 40mm sculptors. He will be sadly missed.

Photo Two - Sharpe and Harper gloss varnished with Ronseal Tough Coat.

Photo Three - Now matt varnished, this time with Galleria acrylic matt varnish (two coats).

Photo Four - Varnished and decorated with some static grass tufts which were glued in place with uPVA glue.

Photos Five, Six and Seven - Additional views of the finished display vignette.

These two figures had sat forgotten in my 'too-do' box for quite a time. With the news that Jim had passed away, I felt that it was the perfect opportunity to pay homage to his memory and finally base and paint these miniatures. I have tried to produce a 'serious' display piece, spending time painting, sculpting the base and finishing off the whole project to the best of my ability. In the end I am very pleased with my efforts but know that I could have done better.

Rest in Peace Jim Bowen



Jay said...

Beautiful ending to a sweet project. The vignette is superb, IMHO.

James Brewerton said...

great work on some great figures fitting tribute
Peace James

MarkG said...

Nice work once again Tony.

Allan and Carmen said...

A great tribute and I am sure Jim Bowen would have loved it!

Rob Alderman said...

Fantastic work, and a beautiful tribute.

Well done chap.

Thanos said...

Nice work Tony. I've read all the books, when I was a student and I still remember the experience.