Tuesday 26 May 2020

Roman Legionnaires - part three

The latest update shows both red clothing and flesh areas painted. I know that not ALL Roman Legionnaires wore red, but it just looks good.....

Detail painting and base painting. Not much to add.

Finally the shields have been added. I went with a simple IX motif rather than spending too much time on them.

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling



DeanM said...

Very, very nice. I'm waiting on an order of these to arrive from Victrix. I was debating how to paint them - I think I'll use a similar method as you have. At first I thought of spraying them silver (as I did some Warlord EIR many years ago), but these are so much more detailed, I think dry-brushing silver over dark undercoat for the lorica would be nice.

Codsticker said...

Wonderful work. They look like lovely figures.