Saturday 7 September 2019

Kennel Lane, Broadway - Tiling the roof

The roof was tiled with individual card slates glued in place with PVA glue and further detailed with small slivers of plastic card while the roof capping stones were also card - folded in half and attached to the apex. The original building did not show much of an overhang and this is how I have modelled it. Any gaps were filled with DAS modelling clay.

Here you can see the card I used for the slates. Each slate was 10mm x 5mm. In addition I have included the small section of additional Cotswold stone wall that was attached to the side of the building. This was modelled from a section of Plaster of Paris that was carved to shape and then topped with some green foam slabs.

The final image shows work-in-progress. Notice how I apply the first layer of tiles over a backing strip (sticking out from the lower roof), this is so the angle of the roof tiles remains constant all the way up the roof and is something that many modellers neglect when building tiled roofs.


1 comment:

irishserb said...

Beautiful work! I absolutely love the detail that you are putting into this. Very inspiring