Saturday 16 January 2021

A Japanese Bunker - A feature article/tutorial in Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy issue 112

Issue 112 of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy (Jan/Feb 2021) features an article/tutorial written by me showing how I built a 28mm or 1/56th scale Japanese, log-built Bunker or Gun Emplacement for use on your wargame table.

For full details of the magazine see this link.

The model was scratch-built from plastic card, balsawood, garden stakes/wooden skewers and DAS modelling clay with foliage modelled from ground foam, static grass and some artificial rose leaves.

It is unusual for me to model a piece of terrain with a lift-off lid, but in this instance I thought it would be useful. The model is just over 300mm long x 220mm wide.

It is my intention to post a second Blog post showing how I modelled the rose leaves/palm fronds. Expect this to be uploaded soon.



TBone said...

Wow! Really nice work that!

Syl said...

Great job!