The figure was slightly modified by having the base re-sculpted and additional rocks added before the groundwork was built up with DAS.

I've been modelling, painting miniatures and wargaming since I was a wee lad in Swansea, this blog details some of my interests - I hope that you like it. In 2010 I started a new modelling venture - building 40mm AWI/ACW terrain pieces and designing 28mm masters, which are then cast and available for sale from Grand Manner. - All original images and text are copyright of A. S. Harwood (Dampfpanzerwagon) - I can confirm that I do not hold any personal data on customers or followers of this Blog
My comment keeps cropping up. Now I'm feeling bad.
To Strangevistas
Its not bad - seriously not bad at all - I am very grateful that it has been noticed - I was too close to see it and it has made me think about my painting style and the colours I use. If anything I am much more at ease with the colours I use now as I understand them and myself better.
This all sound too deep, but no I am very happy that it was noticed and you should not feel bad at all.
The fact that I have used it in my Blog has also given me so much more to write about, so in fact I should be thanking you.
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