The first and second photos show the finished building with a Flintloque figure added for scale and posed on my Flintloque Skirmish board which is textured and covered with various green flock. The third and fourth photos show work-in-progress - built and undercoated.
The building is constructed from a core of foamboard with the edges covered in paper and PVA glue. The slate slabs are card, as are the door and window surrounds.
The roof is thin card covered with small toy beads or tubes from the manufacturer Hama, they are cut in half, length ways and at a slight angle before being glued down one-by-one with PVA glue. The whole roof is then painted with PVA glue to seal it and when dry re-coated with a mix of PVA glue and filler.
The walls are coated with DAS modelling clay to give a rough texture and character. The doors are balsawood, first textured and then cut to size before being glued in place. Other detail is plastic sprue and bits from my spares box.
The base is 6mm thick MDF board, built up with DAS and textures with small stones and coarse sand.

I have been looking back through your blog at some of your terrain pieces as I am planning to start some projects for some upcoming Pirate Gaming and I came upon this one. I have one question, though.
Why is there a door on the upper floor with no attached stairs or balcony.
At long last - an answer.
It is common for barns to have an upstairs door like this as the door would have been used to empty the upper storey into wagons below.
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