Thursday 4 June 2015

Boche Halflings - group two/3

The bases have been painted in a darker brown than my usual figure bases, this was a decision made at the very beginning of the build and can be seen throughout my Pax Bochemannica miniature and terrain collection. Individual stones have been picked out with a mix of Chaos Black and Skull White. I have also 'washed' the bases with Black and Sepia washes from Games Workshop.

I think my favourite is the running figure in red stripped pyjama trousers.

I have then gloss varnished the figures and bases with Ronseal Gloss Varnish and when fully dry, varnished them with Galleria Artists Matt Varnish.

Image two - The bases have been decorated with static grass, static grass tufts and ground foam which was applied over small drops of superglue.

My second group of Boche Halflings (the first of 14 from the official boxed set) based, painted and finished.

For details of S.P.Q.Orc - Pax Bochemannica, go to this link.


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