In greater detail; black foam board has been used to build the main structure shapes and internal strengtheners, thin card has been used for all the roof sections and the torn paper strips have been used to strengthen all joins - torn paper and PVA glue. Roughed-up strips of balsa wood have been used for the wooden beams. The blue foam off-cut has been shaped with a large knife, sanded to shape and then individual stones cut in to the chimney with a scalpel and further textured with a broken stone, pressed in to the foam. The chimney has been glued to the roof and wall with PVA glue and dressmaker pins have been added to strengthen the joint.
You may also be able to see where I have started to 'plaster' the first wall with DAS modelling clay - more detail to follow in later posts.
These latest photos also show the rear of the house and you can now see the annex and two additional window - all construction as previous posts.
The farm building is 180mm long and 140mm tall (to the top of the chimney).
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