The sketches are reproduced here and readers can see that I do not produce huge amounts of detail - just enough to use as the basis of a model. The second sketch is a little more detailed as I wanted to condense the frontage of the main house as I felt it would be too large if produced as the original model.

The Work-in-Progress shots show the main structures cut from black foam board and the edges and joins reinforced with paper strips glued on with PVA glue. I use torn strips of paper as the joins will show up less. In addition some of the joins are further strengthened with dressmakers pins which I leave in and do not remove once the glue has set as recommended in some publications!
At this stage of construction the whole model is quite strong and does not flex, once the roof is added the structure will become even stronger.

The detail to the rear is still to be thought-through and although I know there will be an annex, the exact shape and positioning of the windows is yet to be decided upon. I would hope to add more WiP shots very soon, but as I have stated before some of my modelling projects are started and finished very quickly, while some go on for years. A good example of this is a regiment of Flintloque Dwarves that I have just finished they were first started well over a year ago and have been converted, based, painted, re-painted, converted and re-painted, before I settled down last week and forced myself to complete them. (photo to follow very soon).
For scale reference the door is 40mm tall by 20mm wide.
PS. The black foam board was given to me free of charge, by a student studying at the same university as my son - thank you Dean. This should prove to readers that modelling in this way can be very cheap!
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