In my quest for suitable miniatures to use as flying creatures alongside my 1/300th scale scratch-built Aeronefs I have become quite a collector of unusual figures, some scratch-built, others modified creatures - all intended for some other game system or use, (for more examples please check out the LABEL - Space 1889/Aeronef).
The latest group are a set of three Dragonette miniatures from Reaper which I bought from e-bay, see;

The unmodified casting has the creature with outstretched wings and balanced on its tail, I trimmed the tail mounting tab back and drilled a 1mm hole into the main body, in addition I have animated each of the castings, by twisting the tails and/or head, straightening the wings, or mounting each of the Wyverns at different heights and angles. The Dragonettes have a wingspan of 85mm and a body length of 55mm.

The castings needed some tidying up, and were painted over a Black undercoat with various Greens which were 'washed' with Games Workshop Black and Green Washes prior to three coats of acrylic varnish.

I've added nameplates - Wyvern 1, 2 and 3, but am still to use them (or any of the other Aerofauna I have) in any game. Should any reader have any ideas for stat-ing these for the game
Aeronef, or any of the other Aeronef Fauna included in this Blog, please contact me.
Full details are;
Reaper Miniatures - Dragonette by Kevin Williams, 03487
Nice looking models.
Great job - the AA gunners will need some pluck when those come boring in for the kilL!
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