Wednesday 7 November 2012

Show us your Workspace - a competition

Earlier this week, I received a short e-mail from a company called BenchVent who are running a competition to publicise the launch of their new bench venting booth. The rules are simple, send them a picture of your workbench!

This image has been used a couple of times on this Blog and shows a very clean workbench, trust me if you were looking at it now, it would not be as clean or organised.

If you are tempted to take part, here is the link.

Good luck.



BigLee said...

That is tidy...and you have far more space than me. I have a smallish desk with a pull down work surface about 2ft square.... its a little cramped and I often overflow onto the surrounding tables and bookshelves which isn't good as I work in the family room.

DeanM said...

I think I've seen your workspace before - recall the lovely window and trees. I used to work in a separate room, but now I use the kitchen table - that way I can listen/watch the TV. Also, I paint a lot less than before. Best, Dean

Scottswargaming said...

I'd be tempted to enter, but I do all my spraying in the garage where fumes aren't really an issue...

Andy from Workshopshed said...

Your workspace looks good but what it really needs is a bench mounted extractor system.

Baconfat said...

Congrats on winning the contest!

Siph_Horridus said...

Congrats on winning matey, hope to see the fruits of the new BenchVent in due course...